Artiza Family

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General HCs

🌳 The surname Artiza is derived from my lack of ability to properly spell “Aritza”, the Basque/Spanish surname meaning “oak tree”. Source for Aritza.
🌳 The family is mixed Pinatan and Greek. The Greek is from Mother, while the Pinatan is from Jardiniero.
🌳 Jardiniero gave the middle names to Seedos and Dastardos, while Mother gave the middle names to Storkos and Leafos.
🌳 The kids in the family use their middle names as their “mainland names”, for when they step off the island to visit other places.
🌳 The whole family (besides Mother) has PTSD, although Dastardos specifically has C-PTSD.


Full NameJardiniero Artiza
Age54 [Classic], 56 [TiP]
GenderCis Man
Height5'2" / 1,57 m
Relationship StatusWidowed (Okeanos)

🍂 Despite how hard he is on Seedos, he does genuinely care for his youngest child wholeheartedly, despite not showing it in the best way.
🍂 Jardiniero used to spend a lot of time at the docks, both for Mother and to pick up gardening material. After the incident, however, Jardiniero actively avoids the ocean.


Full NameOkeanos Ambrosine Kymatistá-Artiza
Age52 [Classic], 54 [TiP] (well, if she were alive. she died at 42)
GenderCis Woman
Height6'0" / 1,83 m
Relationship StatusWidowed (Jardiniero) (is widowed the proper term here?)

⛵ Yes, her maiden name has the initials “OAK”. It was a match made in heaven.
⛵ Okeanos translates to “ocean” in Greek. Ambrosine is a Greek name meaning “immortal”, which is ironic considering her untimely demise. Kymatistá translates to “waves” in Greek.
⛵ Okeanos, nicknames Kea by her crew, was a mainland sailor who met Jardiniero on a special delivery to Pinata Island one day. After that, she would start making regular trips to the island in order to see Jardiniero.
⛵ She ended up staying when Jardiniero suddenly proposed to her on her supposed “last trip” to the island, since he didn’t want to lose such an amazing woman.


Full NameStardos Dastardos Prodigio Artiza
Age25 [Classic], 27 [TiP]
GenderTransmasc "Necrogender" (AFAB)
PronounsHe/Him, They/Them, It/Its, or Xe/Xem
SexualityAroace-spec Bisexual
Height5'3" / 1,60 m (with slouch), 5'11" / 1,80m (w/o slouch)
Relationship StatusSingle

Yes, the slouch does remove eight whole inches (or 20 whole centimeters) from xer height. Xe has scoliosis at this point, or something.
⭐ Dastardos is... fine with the name Stardos, but doesn't feel much attachment (if at all) to its past life, so if it doesn't immediately reply to that name then that's why.
⭐ Prodigio is the Spanish word for “prodigy”, since Dastardos was originally the prodigy child.
⭐ Dastardos, despite being Pester's right hand man, HATES Pester. The man half-killed them!
⭐ Dastardos watches a lot of horror movies and nature documentaries a lot. It's mainly to poke fun at them.
⭐ Dastardos is near-blind in his left eye, the one where his scar is.


Full NameLeafos Merída Artiza
Age23 [Classic], 25 [TiP]
GenderCis Woman
PronounsShe/Her or They/Them
Height5'10" / 1,78 m
Relationship StatusSingle

🌿 Merída is derived from Greek work “efimerída” meaning “journal”.
🌿 Leafos is usually a pretty good cook! When given the proper ingredients and cookware, she can make a delicious meal. She's the family's designated chef.
🌿 She tries to host family dinners every Monday. She mainly does this to convince Seedos to spend more time with the family.
🌿 Despite how much she gossips negatively about her youngest sibling, Leafos genuinely wants the best for Seedos. Sometimes "the best" just means "a shower".


Full NameStorkos Iris Artiza
Age21 [Classic], 23 [TiP]
PronounsAny pronouns
Height5'5" / 1,65 m
Relationship StatusSingle

🥚 Iris is derived from Greek word “íroas” meaning “hero”.
🥚 Storkos looks fairly similar to her mother Okeanos.
🥚 She works with Nana Urf on her egg-delivery job. People assume Nana Urf is the mentor in the relationship due to age, but it’s actually the other way around!
🥚 Storkos rarely gets a break from work, but when she does she's almost always spending time helping out around the house with her father and with general chores. Family is incredibly important to her!


Full NameSidos Otro Artiza
Age18 [Classic], 20 [TiP]
GenderAgender (AMAB)
PronounsHe/Him or They/Them
SexualityGreyromantic Ace Bisexual
Height5'7" / 1,70 m
Relationship StatusDating (Flora)

🌱 Seedos is autistic. I think you can already guess their special interest.
🌱 Otro is the Spanish word for “another”, since Seedos is another Jardiniero due to his spitting image of his father.
🌱 Their special interest is seeds! They also tends to stim with the texture of the seeds in their hands and on their nose.
🌱 If provoked, Seedos could go on about their special interest for the WHOLE day! It makes for a very unproductive day for the gardener who tried to start small talk, but it's still really nice to listen to how passionate Seedos is about seeds... well, if your name is Seedos, that is.
🌱 Seedos found out Dastardos was Stardos when he was only 16 years old and Dastardos was 23. Ever since then, the two have been incredibly close (but they also pick on each other a lot)!
🌱 While Seedos slightly prefers they/them, they're also okay with he/him since it doesn't induce any sort of weird feeling in them.